19:30 - 20:00, 28th Sep 2021

The big impact- Real estate 6.0 and what is coming from Tokenization to DeFi

Makram Hani
Arms &McGregor International Realty®
Session Description
Officials running land registries, Big stakeholders in the Real-estate industry, as people in general dislike change. (until it becomes necessary) If Marriott would have embraced the power of an AirBnB model, Marriott would have bought AirBnB or built a platform that captured most market share when AirBnB was still a start up. Similarly GM motors and Tesla, the list is long of those who's business was disrupted because of innovations they could have owned. If you are huge in Real estate, or you are the regulators in a market that is currently liquid and doing well collecting your property registration fees, NOTE THIS TODAY: There is an AirBnB style monster disrupter and opportunity around the corner. Choices are: 1. You hate it. Mostly as you don't understand it (and you deny this fact, even when talking to yourself) 2. You are unaware of it. 3. You don't believe you are ready for it. In your view Let some one else experiment with it then i will adopt. (Seriously, do you want your biggest competitor to be experimenting with an AirBnB module) How about if I tell you if you are heading land registries that Tokenization will not impact your income from fees negatively. Actually it will have a positive impact. How about if i tell you if you are heading a land department, that allowing the community to purchase as much as they want of a property, whenever they want, where ever they are and see all the transactions taking place live, benefits a community. It adds a layer of transparency, and allows every one to be a home owner without over extending their finances which adds stability to an environment. How about if you know as a developer, or an official in a growing city that your future projects will not be funded by traditional institutions. Actually when credit dries up, financial catastrophes occur, and such institutions will get tighter when you most need the credit. How about the collective of us, through tokenization and DeFi, sustainably fund the future of your city. In this session we will discuss how can all the above make sense, and contribute to the fascinating future we are looking at. The big impact- Real estate 6.0 and what is coming from Tokenization to DeFi.
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