16:00 - 17:00, 23rd Nov 2022

Digital Transformation Masterclass Preview

Gosha Jacewicz
Session Description
Preview session to AMS education and training course called Digital Transformation Masterclass. To develop new skills and build knowledge you need to try them out through repeated practice and exposure to new contexts. This session is an opportunity to see and explore our methodology called Rapid Transformation System focusing on managing digital transformation programmes. The method is structured into 5 well-defined logical stages that address typical business transformation needs: culture change, development of new technology solution, and its integration into BAU. Join us to explore how to create and design, launch, test and adapt your approach to emerging technologies through stories, expertise, and exercises. Explore benefits: You will learn how to turn your digital ideas into real products and services and into action through a repeatable creative process of assessing baseline, prototyping, testing and integration. Lower your risk of failure by running tests and experiments in a controlled environment. Create a culture of experimentation on your team and expand your capacity for digital innovation of business and service models.
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2022-11-17 What is RTS...

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