14:00 - 14:30, 17th Mar 2021

Buried services - out of sight out of mind?

Steve Voller
Session Description
Buried services and underground assets are difficult to locate and maintain. Accidental damage causes major issues on construction sites and for building users whether it’s from disconnected utility services or vitally important fibre optic cables. Knowing the location of buried services and underground assets is therefore essential on construction sites and during building work on existing estates. Once construction activities are completed this data is of vital importance to facilities and estates managers in reducing interruptions to service from maintenance issues or accidental damage. This presentation is for client and contractor construction and project managers, health and safety managers and facilities managers. It'll show how you can use technology to: • Identify the location of your buried services on maps, site survey plans and construction plans • Record service features e.g. man hole covers as well as accurately plot the runs of buried services • Easily and quickly collect onsite buried asset data during new works or maintenance activities e.g. depth, type and material as well as photographs • Use a range of specialist tags to pinpoint the location of critical points in the network e.g. joints and valves or trace the whole run of the asset e.g. a fibre optic cable. These make them easy to detect from the surface reducing the likelihood of accidental damage and ensuring excavation takes place in the correct location. • Access this information onsite (virtually opening the ground beneath the worker's feet) and in the office. Being in control of your buried services and infrastructure will: • Reduce the risks to health and safety for onsite workers • Reduce the likelihood of accidental damage resulting in project delays and increased costs • Improve the ability to deliver uninterrupted services • Reduce future risks and provide vital information for disaster and contingency plans • Improve the ability for construction/project managers and FMs to audit onsite works before(!) backfilling and reinstatement occurs.

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