12:00 - 12:30, 17th Mar 2021

Digital Transformation of Japanese Commercial Real Estate Market by Ei Hirai Founder and CEO estie, inc.

PropTech JAPAN
PropTech Japan
Session Description
Japanese commercial real estate market is on the edge of digital transformation. Although Tokyo has the largest office stock among global gateway cities, access to information has not always been optimized due to the lack of an efficient information network. Ei Hirai and his team "estie, inc." is devoted to building a Japanese commercial real estate data platform, which has comprehensive market information and analytics solutions. One of their cutting-edge solutions is "estie pro," the commercial real estate data platform that empowers clients to make data-driven decisions confidently. His business is based on his experience in Mitsubishi Estate, one of the largest real estate developers in Japan, where he worked on asset management in foreign markets and office leasing in central Tokyo. This presentation reveals today's non-transparent market environment in Japan and estie's challenge since its establishment in December 2018, to build an infrastructure system for the whole industry's digitalization.
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