10:30 - 11:00, 17th Mar 2021

Digital access control revolution for the as-a-service economy

Alessandro Nacci
Sofia Locks
Anna Gnemmi
Sofia Locks
Session Description
This talk makes a short overview of the access control history. We’ll see the evolution of such systems, trying to understand the benefits and the drawbacks; we'll end showing the last advancements in the field introducing the idea of “digital access control” and explaining why it's a revolution with respect to the legacy electronic access control technology. ** GET THE FULL COMPETITOR ANALYSIS AND MARKET LANDSCAPE ** Request the full "Access control market landscape and competitor analysis" by visiting https://www.sofialocks.com/book-a-webinar/ ** OUR NEXT TALK - HOW TO GET MORE INFO ** Get more info after this talk following "How digital Access Control enables new real estate business models" by our Product Manager and Chief Marketing Officer at 13:00 - 13:30, 17th Mar 2021, here on UNISSY. Follow this link: https://events.unissu.com/reconnect-march-2021/session/1310/how-digital-access-control-enables-new-real-estate-business-models
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