08:00 - 09:30, 24th Jun 2021

FinTech & PropTech: Trends on the overlap > part of the Bulgarian PropTech Business Show

Sylvia Pavlova
PropTech Bulgaria
Petar Ivanov
Dobrin Mirevski
Nikolay Lazarov
Session Description
LIVE-STREAMED SESSION This time we sense the pulse of on-going changes on the overlap of FinTech & PropTech and how external circumstances are currently shifting this sector. We will talk in details with Postbank (Eurobank) Bulgaria and EOS Matrix Bulgaria (part of EOS Matrix Germany) These are some of the questions you'll get answers to: 1. What post-Covid-19 trends are there to be traced down in your market segment (or in the industry as a whole, alternatively, in the society to have a direct say on your segment)? 2. What technologies have come to life in your sphere following Covid-19? 3. What do you admit will change in the upcoming year as a result of the pandemics, which processes will go even more digitized, and how? If you're curious to get more info in advance, go here > http://proptechbulgaria.eu/bulgarian-proptech-business-show-on-reconnect-3-0/
Session Downloads
FinTech-ConTech 3.jpg

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