13:30 - 14:00, 24th Jun 2021

New era renovation industry in covid 19

Jacky Chuah
Session Description
Engineering, renovation, and building materials have a vital role to play in a post-pandemic recovery of our communities and economies. COVID-19 has affected communities globally, while governments and companies globally are responding fast, much remains to be done. In this difficult time, renovation matters more than ever. From building hospitals in just a few days to donating lifesaving equipment, the industry has played a critical role in responding to the crisis and in the recovery. But the industry has also suffered: renovation sites in many countries have shut down. And most sites that are open have faced disrupted supply chains and operational restrictions. These impacts have resulted in the need for industry members to address both short-term and long-term business challenges as the renovation industry is faced with a new national, and even international, environment. How renovation industry stakeholders should be aware of and prepared to address in light of the COVID-19 pandemic?

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