06:00 - 06:30, 7th Jan 2021

How to talk to your building (and all of its connected systems) with conversational AIoT?

Ruth Millar
Session Description
Buildings today don’t only provide people with a safe, functional place to live and work. They can also cater to – and even respond to – their needs, while helping them to work more efficiently and sustainably. The Internet of things (IoT) and sensor-driven technologies play a vital role in this. Join Bosch’s Building Technology Director Michael Goh and UIB’s Strategy Director Ruth Millar as they discuss how Bosch used conversational AIoT to create a personal assistant to make it easy for people to talk to their buildings — i.e., cameras, sensors, facilities, building management software, etc. — and to seamlessly bridge the gaps between buildings’ technology, people, and processes.

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