09:00 - 09:30, 7th Jan 2021

The future of remote work and how to treat your employees

Vedran Radovic
Session Description
As the work got shifted from offices to employee's homes and therefore management, control and employees found themselves working in unusual environment, this can be very productive with a lot of benefits. It can bring a lot of advantages but also has its downside as well. With the experience from before where I worked and managed around 50 employees up to today where we all work from home since our beginnings, I am more than happy to share my vision about work and specifically the relationship between management team and employees. I think this is something what is crucial in order for the company to be healthy and successful. Join me on the 7th and sahre your thoughts with me. I look forward to e-meeting you and discussing this topic with you. All the best. Vedran

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